President Biden gets diverted around Beverly Hills in the motorcade đŸ‡ș🇾 🚔

The motorcade for President Joe Biden comes past twice in Beverly Hills as he attends private fundraising events. Something caused the motorcade to divert and come by on the same streets as 10 minutes before. There were extensibe protests in the area, which may have been the cause. This time, the President of the United States was riding in the more manoeuvrable Chevrolet Suburbans fitted out the same as the Cadillac Presidential Stately Limousines. The US Secret Service operates these vehicles and provides close protection to the President. The White House Communications Agency are also in the motorcade with comms vehicles. The California Highway Patrol escort the motorcade while the Los Angeles Fire Department provide ambulances. The Los Angeles Police Department working with Beverly Hills Police Department provide street closures. There are also multiple press agencies and support staff riding in vans.
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