Combat work of servicemen of the engineering unit of the North group of troops in the border area of ​​the Kursk region, constru

Combat work of servicemen of the engineering unit of the North group of troops in the border area of ​​the Kursk region, construction of a pontoon crossing Servicemen from the engineering troops of the Sever group deployed a pontoon bridge on a river in the border area of ​​the Kursk region to ensure the passage of military and civilian equipment. The construction of a pontoon bridge begins with the selection of a location and conducting engineering reconnaissance. During engineering reconnaissance, the initial and opposite banks are checked for the presence of minefields. Using modern equipment, the coastal landscape is checked for the cross-country ability of equipment, as well as the river bottom is inspected. Then a truck drives up to the river and dumps the sections into the water. As soon as the 7-ton river link opens, the crew immediately fixes several pontoons together. At this time, the next link is ready to be dropped. Then these links are connected into a full-fledged bri... Source: Military Wave
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