One Hour of Mongolian Communist Music

This time with actual communist songs. The majority of this music came from over 10 different records, so many of these songs are not available elsewhere online or have been posted exclusively by me. If you want to see any of these songs individually posted, let me know which ones. 0:00 БНМАУ-ын Сүлд Дуулал (Anthem of the Mongolian People’s Republic) 2:00 Интернационал (The Internationale) 4:50 Монгол ардын цэргийн дуу (Song of the Mongolian People’s Army) 7:05 Манай Цэргийн Жавхаа (Our Valiant Army) 8:35 Бид Социализмыг Хамгаалагчид (We Are the Defenders of Socialism) 11:00 Жанжин Сүхбаатар (Commander Sükhbaatar) 13:20 Мөнхийн Ленин (Forever With Lenin) 16:50 Дайчдын Аяны Дуу (Soldier’s Marching Song) 20:15 Зөвлөлт Монголын Дайчид (Song of Soviet and Mongolian Warriors) 22:05 Зөвлөлт Түмэндээ Баярлалаа (Thanking Soviet Friends) 24:55 Зөвлөлтийн Дайчдын Хөшөө (Monument of Soviet
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