High Rise and Fall, Glasgow, Gorbals documentary 1993

Documentary about Queen Elizabeth Square, Sir Basil Spence’s block of Brutalist style flats built to replace the Gorbal’s tenements in Glasgow during the 1960’s. His vision was based on architect Le Corbusier’s ideas and aspired to transforming the Gorbals in to a Modernist film is the life and times of one building told by some of the people involved in it’s history. The block was dynamited in 1993 amidst controversy and the death of a spectator. It is mentioned is Pevsner’s Notable Buildings of Britain. This film was shown on BBC Scotland’s Ex-S strand in 1993. Produced by May Miller and directed by Conrad Blakemore. This film is posted for educational and research purposes only and is copyright of BBC Scotland. Archive material courtesy of the Scottish Film Archive and the film’s contributors.
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