How Does a Liberty Safe Perform in a House Fire?

Reliable fire protection is a great benefit when buying a Liberty Safe. Here is how a fire safe works in a fire. When a fire is ignited in a home the temperature is usually around 70 degrees or room temperature. As the fire grows the temperature will rise reaching 1200 degrees within 10 minutes. The steel body of the safe takes the initial brunt of the heat. But when the temperature reaches 212 degrees the Palusol door seal expands to seven times its size and seals the door so cooler air can’t escape and the heat and smoke can’t come in. At the same time, the molecules inside the fire-board release a cooling effect to keep the temperature down. Even the door bolts help by keeping the door from warping and tight against the expanded door seal. Our engineers have fire tested more than 300 safes in the past 15 years; including many of our competitor’s safes. It’s unfortunate when some safe companies don’t put enough fire board, or worse use spacers to make it appear better than i
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