Seeking to Reverse Parental Alienation Through Court Action

How to Combat Parental Alienation is a four part series for parents and family lawyers. Part 4 discusses: How do I win a Parental Alienation Case in Court? The positives, negatives, and potential outcomes for: Mandatory Counseling, an Independent Child Custody Evaluation (ICCE), using a Guardian ad Litem, and Punishing the Alienating Parent. See our four (4) part series, How to Combat Parental Alienation See the web page for references and citations. Segments: 0:00 - Intro 1:30 - How Do You Win a Parental Alienation Case in Court? 2:38 - Mandatory Counseling 5:24 - Independent Child Custody Evaluation (ICCE) 8:39 - Guardian ad Litem 10:22 - Punish the Alienating Parent 11:18 - Change in Legal and Physical Custody 12:01 - Modified Parenting Time 12:30 - Supervised Parenting Time 13:03 - Contempt of Court 14:35 - Conclusion Thank you for contributions:
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