10-Year Timeline of the Greening the Desert Project

Our #10yearchallenge 😀 To learn more about this project and others, check out the Permaculture Masterclass series, here: This is a timeline slideshow of the Greening The Desert Project, Jordan, a labor of love that began in 2009 and is now in its tenth year. The site, as you’ll see, was carved from barren rock and has been transformed. It began with contour swales and a lot of organic matter. Small mulch pits were set in holes next to the spiky pioneer trees that would help to rejuvenate the soil, and gravity-fed irrigation hoses were run to each pit and tree. Next, permanent buildings were built for energy-efficiency, with straw bale walls on the sun and western sides, to insulate them from the heat, and mudbrick walls constructed on the shade and eastern sides to bank the cool air. Within a couple of years, the pioneer trees were doing well, and hardy productive trees and more diverse support species started being introduced. Reed b
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