Sarzamin-e Mâdari - Salute of the Sublime State of Persia

The Salute of the Sublime State of Persia was the official state anthem of the Qajar Empire after the deposition of Mohammad Ali Shah and the coronation of Ahmad Shah. Composed by Gholamreza Khan Amirpanjeh Sâlâr Moazez, the Musician-Bâshi of the Persian Cossack Brigade, the anthem was written amid the Conquest of Tehran during the Constitutional Revolution. The anthem was first recognized as the “Marche Nationale Persane,“ in the West until it was officially published in Geneva as “Hymn of the Wellbeing of the Sublime State of Persia.“ Though the anthem has official lyrics, it was widely unrecognized during its time, and only variants of the official lyrics exist today. This variant by Peyman Soltani and Shahram Nazeri has been dubbed as “Motherland.“
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