Простой рецепт постного печенья без яиц и сливочного масла. Easy biscuit recipe

Здравствуйте дорогие друзья сегодня делюсь простим рецептом домашнего печенья без сливочного масла, яиц и молочных продуктов РЕЦЕПТ мука 210 гр Сахар 70 гр Вода 100 мл Растительное масло 100 мл Разрыхлитель 1 ч ложка Крахмал 90 гр Соль щепотка Ванильный сахар hello dear friends today I want to share with you a simple recipe for lean cookies to cook it I need 70 grams of sugar add a pinch of salt 1 sachet of vanilla sugar add 100 milliliters of warm water also mix 100 milliliters of vegetable oil with a whisk so that sugar dissolves then in separate bowls I mix 210 grams of sifted wheat flour 90 grams of starch and 1 teaspoon of baking powder combine wet and dry ingredients add flour in 2 doses, first mix with a whisk, then add the rest of the flour I knead the dough with my hands. As a result, the dough should turn out to be very tender and soft and elastic; it should not stick to my hands. for more convenient work with tests, I shif
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