Sons of Alba - Ghosts of Culloden

Текст с Bandcamp’а: “Jacobite yae came sae faur Let them feel yir steel Through mud and blood and frozen fields Yir broken bones will heal Jacobite yae came sae faur Let them feel yir steel Yince there wis a heiland lad A simple life had he He answered the call Will yae march wi’ me? Settin’ oot faur southern land Foreign soil tae me Cut oor way through the mire And on tae victory Jacobite yae came sae faur Let them feel yir steel Twenty miles a day on foot A hard and painful slog Wind and rain, fleet and snaw Trudgin’ through the bogs Faur a chance tae engage A butcher and his lord Cut them doon one by one And pit them tae the sword Jacobite yae came sae faur Let them feel yir steel A year has past since yae left Yir hame deep in the glen Noo yae staun a warrior Wi’ ten thousand men Open up yir battle cry Let yir slogan ring Cut them doon yin by yin Yir prince becomes a king Jacobite yae came sae faur Let them feel yir steel Jacobite yae faut sae well And fell wi’ dignity Better die a warrior Noble wild and free Better die a warrior Noble wild and free Than live a life o’ slavery bereft o’ liberty Than live a life o’ slavery bereft o’ liberty from Sons of Alba, released October 6, 2020“
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