One Hour of International Brigades of Spain Music

Por vuestra libertad y la nuestra! 0:00 Himno de las Brigadas Internacionales (Anthem of the International Brigades) 2:08 Mexico - Mexico e Espana (Mexico And Spain) 4:28 France - Chant des Volontaires Français (Song of the French Volunteers) 7:00 France - Ceux D’Oviedo (Those From Oviedo) 10:32 Canada - The Mackenzie Papineau Brigade 13:27 United States - Jarama Valley 16:13 United States - Abraham Lincoln Brigade 19:05 United Kingdom - Ay Carmela 22:32 Sweden - Soldatvisa (Soldiers Visa) 24:47 Sweden - Internationella Brigadens Sång (Song of the International Brigades) 26:29 Germany - Vowärts Internationale Brigade (Forward International Brigade) 28:51 Germany - Francos Legionäre (Franco’s Legionnaires) 32:02 Germany - Ballade der XI Brigade (Ballad of the XI. Brigade) 35:05 Germany - Die Thälmann-Kolonne (The Thälmann Column) 36:18 Germany - Lied der Tankisten (Song of the Tankists) 38:21 Germany - Hans Beimler, Kamerad (Hans Beimler, Comrade) 40:54 Hungary - Madrid Védői (Defenders of Madrid) 44:20 Hungary - Acélbrigád (Steel Brigade) 45:48 Poland - Marsz Brygady Dąbrowskiego (March of the Dabrowski Brigade) 48:09 Soviet Union - Песня об Испании (A Song About Spain) 49:56 Soviet Union - Испания будет свободной (Spain Will be Free) 52:41 Turkey - İspanya (Spain) 55:02 Yugoslavia - No Pasaran (They Shall not Pass) 56:19 China - 保卫马德里 (Defend Madrid) 57:23 Unión de Hermanos Proletarios (Union of Proletarian Brothers) 59:05 Himno De Riego (Anthem of the Riego) [German Version]
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