Cultivation and pruning adjustment of cliff elm崖ニレの栽培と剪定の調整懸崖榆樹的培養上盆與修剪調整

How to make a bonsai into a scene as soon as possible, there is no other shortcut except for the cultivation. This pot of elm is cultivated step by step for 8 years. Before the cultivation, the modeling goal is set and reasonable fertilizer and water management have been formed. The basic outline of the cliff has been formed, and the pot is made. And recorded the whole process of trimming and shaping 盆栽をできるだけ早くシーンに仕上げる方法は、栽培以外に近道はありません。このニレの鉢は、8年間段階的に栽培されています。栽培前に、モデリングの目標が設定され
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