999Hz + 963Hz Crown Chakra HealingㅣKundalini Awakeningㅣ Higher Consciousness & Connect Universe

★ Introduction to This Music ★ This music is designed for Crown Chakra healing and balance. It will help wake your kundalini and activate the Crown Chakra while you meditate. The Crown Chakra helps you connect with higher consciousness and helps the positive energy of the universe flow through you. Physical Location: The top of the head. Color: Violet. Element: Thought. -------------------------------------------------------------------— ♡ ▶ Track information. Composer : Dahye Release a Album : Soon Title : Crown Chakra Healing ⓒ 2020 Healing Meditation™. All Rights Reserved. ▶ Video des...cription. The elements of this video were legally purchased from Shutterstock and Videoblocks and re-edited in our unique style. Reuse of all this Channel Video, images and Music is prohibited. Healing Meditation channel is a channel for meditation music by composer Dahye. ▷ You can see Dahye on the video intro. ▶ Device & Program Information. - Digital Audio Workstation (DAW) Cubase 10 Pro - Video Production
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