Under trial3 Luke 22:28

Under trial3 Luke 22:28 You are those who have stood by me in my trials.. As we see our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ discussing with his disciples regarding a dispute that had arisen between them as to which would be the greatest in the Kingdom Jesus let the disciples know that the way things are done in the kingdom of God are very different than the way things are done in the kingdoms of men. Jesus said that whoever wanted to be greatest Among Us must be as one who serves my prayer for each of us may we serve one another in humility that God May truly Lift us up. Jesus explains to His disciples They had stood by him in all his trials, and he wanted them to maintain their loyalty through the time of his suffering and death. Their reward would be to share his rule in the triumphant kingdom (Luke 22:28-30). Jesus knew, however, that they would all run away and leave him in his final hour. The Gospel of Luke and Acts were written by the physician Luke, a companion of Paul. Many scholars believe him t
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