Kai Jones: Yearbook 2021

Kai Jones had a season to remember in the Winter of 2021. COVID forced him to keep it close to home but that didn’t stop the 14-year-old from compiling some of the best action of the year in his backyard of Jackson Hole and Montana. To celebrate his freshman year of high school, TGR put together a video “yearbook“ celebrating the best moments from this past season. Enjoy Kai Jones: Yearbook 2021 presented by TGR Optics. IF3 BEST BACKCOUNTRY SEGMENT - Kai Jones, Tim Durtschi, Parkin Costain IF3 STANDOUT MALE SKIER OF THE YEAR Nominee - Kai Jones Kai is supported by Atomic Skis, Jackson Hole Mountain Resort and is proud to be wearing the Uprising Goggles by TGR Optics. The Uprising goggles are a revolutionary goggle combining the world’s best optics by Carl Zeiss and the best magnetic interchangeable frames available on the market today. Cylindrical lenses maximize your field of view. Buy The Uprising Goggles Now: Watch Stoke the Fire today: https://www
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