AustraliaOne Party - A time to decide. The international community must speak up! ( November 25, 2021 )

WHEREVER YOU ARE 8N THE WORLD - This is an SOS FROM AUSTRALIA’S TRIBAL ELDERS. Lurnpa (David Cole) gives an update on the genocide of Australian people in the Northern Territory. They are the only humans to still hold all 6 strands of DNA. and they are being culled by being forced vaxxed, coerced and terrorised by our Australian Government’s Military - again - history repeating irself! Not a Government but the Australian Corporation, intentionally killing off our elders! HEAR THIS WORLD? US AUSSIES go into fight for you when you call. When you’re in trouble! Everyone in the world knows that. So NOW is the time to fight for our oldest civilisation on Earth for us Australians to protect our wise indigenous elders who are currently being genocided in a silent cull!!! PLEASE. SOS. The SADDEST PART IS.... THIS IS NOT BEING REPORTED ANYWHERE ON MSM - (Mainstream Media)!.
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