Hill Climb Fails | Hard Enduro Series Germany 2021

Heaven or Hell Xtreme Enduro opens first round Hard Enduro Series Germany in Crimmitschau. One hill climb decided to win... Over the entire distance of 60 minutes, Leon Hentschel and Tim Apolle fought a duel. Both had previously won their respective group races and went into the race side by side. Both the Czech Vaclav Nedved and Ulli Gramersberger caused a surprise. Nobody had expected these two riders to be in the top field beforehand, but they were able to keep up the pace at the front. When a difficult slope was added to the course in lap 2, Hentschel made the decisive manoeuvre and was able to overtake Tim Apolle. In the remaining riding time until the chequered flag after 60 minutes, the BETA rider was able to make up some ground, but did not manage to catch up with the 2019 champion again. Leon Hentschel had positive words at the finish: “My start was mixed, but I was able to catch up quickly. Tim had a few problems in the grass part, so I was able to catch up with him and overtake him. I’m really h
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