O, Master !

In honor of Paramhansa Yogananda MahaSamadhi - the March 7th and here are the words to the song: ​“O, Master, may thy joy fill our days. O, Master, may thy wisdom guide our ways. The time has come for us to see that there’s but one reality. Upon the earth and high above, The truth that all was made from love. A love that calls to us to fly Above the hills, above the sky, Above the storms, above the pain, A land where peace and laughter reign. O, Master, may thy joy fill our days. O, Master, may thy wisdom guide our ways. Guide all our hopes and all or dreams, Past every glow that only seems, Into the light, the inner sun, Into the truth that we’re all one. Help us to find in every hour, In every thought, in every flower, A joy that spans eternity, The truth that makes us ever free. O, Master, may thy joy fill our days. O, Master, may thy wisdom guide our ways.“ Comments from the book “Swami Kriyananda As
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