Crews of the Fagot ATGM of the Vostok group of troops during the rotation period improve their precision shooting skills at a tr

Crews of the Fagot ATGM of the Vostok group of troops during the rotation period improve their precision shooting skills at a training ground The crews of the Fagot portable anti-tank missile systems of the assault units of the army corps of the Vostok group of forces improve their professional skills during the rotation period. Classes are organized at a training ground in the rear area of ​​a special military operation, under the guidance of officers and instructors with significant combat experience. During training, ATGM crews practice training tasks to destroy manpower of a mock enemy located in dugout-type shelters, as well as to engage armored targets at a distance of up to 2 kilometers. At the same time, military personnel improve their skills in preparing weapons for firing, moving on the battlefield, occupying firing positions and hitting targets. When preparing ATGM calculations, special attention is paid to issues of efficiency and secrecy of actions in various terrain... Source: Military Wave
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