China denounces Australian diplomatic boycott of Winter Olympics as ’POLITICAL STUNT’

Wang Wenbin: China hasn’t invited any Australian government official to attend the Beijing Winter Olympics. In fact, no one would care whether they come or not, and Australian politicians’ political stunt for selfish gains has no impact whatsoever on the Olympics to be successfully held by Beijing.  I need to point out that Australia always has excuses to find fault with China, and its attribution of not sending government officials to the Beijing Winter Olympics to the so-called human rights issues in Xinjiang is another case in point. The Australian practice gravely violates the principle of political neutrality enshrined in the Olympic Charter, runs counter to the Olympic motto of “together” and stands on the opposite side of global athletes and sports fans. It also fully lays bare the fact that the Australian government has been so blindly following certain country that it even doesn’t scruple to confuse right with wrong. China deplores and firmly opposes the act of the Australian side
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