
\ 0:00 Project Overview 2:51 Why GraphQL - Over fetching and Under fetching 7:54 REST API vs GraphQL API 10:10 GraphQL Terminology - Query, Mutation, Schema and Resolvers basics\ 16:01 Setup Apollo server and Hello world 25:36 Query, variables and Resolvers 42:43 Mutation and input type 57:24 parent argument for relational data 1:05:24 Context, Aliases and Fragment and Authorization Prisma v3\ 1:17:16 Setup Prisma and User Model 1:35:09 Signup User mutation and Password hashing 1:50:33 Sign In User mutation and Jwt sign 2:07:19 Understanding jwt and Authorization 2:10:00 Adding Authorization And Receive Message\ 2:23:53 Message Model Prisma 2:30:18 Send Message Mutation 2:40:32 Query to get messages between 2 users UI using React and MUI\ 2:51:18 create react app and install dependencies 2:54:38 Sign Up page UI 3:10:26 Login page UI 3:20:32 Side Bar Component 3:33:49 Adding Routing 3:48:00 Chat Screen UI
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