Back Squat | Olympic Weightlifting Exercise Library

Exercise Library: The back squat is the most basic leg and trunk strength builder for weightlifting. Squeeze the shoulder blades together and place the bar in the trap musculature between the top of the traps and the top of the shoulders—it should not be in contact with any bone. Place the heels at approximately hip width or slightly wider and turn the toes out 15-30 degrees from the center line. Pressurize and brace the trunk forcefully with the back in its neutral curvature. Bend at the knees and hips together to squat as directly down as possible, maintaining even balance over the whole foot. Keep the knees approximately in line with the feet. Full depth is the knee joint closed as much as possible while maintaining whole foot balance and a neutral spine. If you don’t yet have the mobility to squat to full depth, squat as deep as you can while maintaining proper back position and balance. Maintain tens
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