Blossom Time Aka Saving The Fruit Or Kew Gardens At Springtime (1963)

Kew, London, East Peckham, Kent and Chelmsford, Essex. Various shots of blossom covered branches at Kew Gardens. A farmer drives through his orchard. A green Austin is shown driving around the ’A. A. Orchards Tour’ in Kent. Various shots of orchards, villages and oast houses, seen from the car. A tractor drives through the orchard. A man examines the branches of blossom - he is studying ways to prevent fruit blossom being damaged by Spring frosts. Various shots of a pump transferring water from a brook, through pipes, to spray the blossom. Keeping the flowers at the temperature of melting ice protects them from frost. Various shots of oil heaters being filled - another frost fighting method. Shots of thermometer connected to a transmitter that warns the farmer if the temperature dips too low. L/S of sun set over the orchard. M/S of the farmer reading - he is interrupted by a frost warning bell. Various night shots of the farmer lighting the oil heaters. Cuts exist - please se
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