Thunder Tornado [Tornado Man Stage] (Mega Man 9) - GaMetal Remix

Today we’re taking on one of the most requested Mega Man Robot Master themes: Tornado Man’s Stage theme “Thunder Tornado“ from Mega Man 9! ◆ “Mega Rockman“ shirt by Draculabyte: ◆ Gameplay by Nacisse (Thank you!) Mega Man has consistently ranked in the top 5 most requested series every GaMetal Song Ballot, but the individual votes are always spread among various songs, to the point of no particular song being a clear favorite. So, I decided to hold a special Robot Master Request Battle tournament on the GaMetal Discord server to figure out what the most popular Robot Master themes truly were. After several rounds, Tornado Man made it into the finals as the underdog candidate, going as far as taking the odds-on favorite Galaxy Man into a sudden death round and securing the victory. And thus, here we are, with today’s Tornado Man remix.
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