Top 5 Moves to Shrink Your Waist & Hips | Harper’s BAZAAR

There’s no shortage of fitness transformations on Instagram. Each side-by-side image speaks to a journey: maybe someone lost weight, or bulked and gained muscle, or just squatted their way to a killer butt. But trainer John Benton’s images tell a different story; his transformations highlight the exact number of inches his all-model clients lose on their hips and waist in mere weeks. Models fly to Benton’s studio from all over the world to whittle down their waist-to-hip ratio—and in turn, he helps to launch their careers. Here, he shows us his top 5 moves for shrinking your waist and hips that you can do! Special Thanks to Studio B! Follow John Benton on Instagram: Model Kylie Vonnahme: Subscribe to Harper’s Bazaar:
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