China denounces New York Times fake news of ’Beijing asking Russia to delay attack on Ukraine’

Global Times: The New York Times on March 2 cited a Western intelligence report as saying that senior Chinese officials told senior Russian officials not to invade Ukraine before the end of the Winter Olympics in Beijing. The report indicated that senior Chinese officials had some level of knowledge about Russia’s plans for military actions. What is your comment on this? Wang Wenbin: The report by the New York Times is pure fake news. Such practice of diverting attention and blameshifting is despicable. The ins and outs of the developments of the Ukraine issue are very clear. The crux of the issue is known to all. International media lately mentioned many times that George Kennan, former US ambassador to the Soviet Union, suggested to the US government in 1990s that expanding NATO up to Russia’s borders would be the most fateful error of American policy. Regrettably, the US government turned a deaf ear to this. Thomas Friedman, a famous US expert on international relations, wrote in a recent art
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