The Decepticons aka Deceptz aka Hammer Gang: Original Gang Of New York

The Decepticons were a Brooklyn street gang active from the late 1980s into the early 1990s. Originating as a bond of “brotherhood”, the gang soon escalated into one of the most feared gangs of their time with their flash mob style attacks and muggings. They managed to terrorize the streets of New York enough to leave their mark on them, even relevant to today’s society. The Original Decepticons, or Decepts, were Megatron, from Brooklyn Technical High School, as well as Rumble and Cyclonis, from Bushwick.[4] However, from there, the group quickly expanded and multiplied. Lacking a formal stru...cture, groups would often spring up and claim that they were Decepts. Latin groups of Decepts formed in the Bronx and Queens, therefore expanding the territory that Decepticons occupied. In Brooklyn, local offshoot groups of Decepticons would often sprout up. [1] There were even female counterpart to the Decepticons called the Deceptinettes, whom were said to be equally as mischievous as the men. They had bruta
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