Eddie Murphy on Comedy Legend Rodney Dangerfield

During a press tour to promote his new Netflix comedy You People, Academy Award nominee Eddie Murphy talked to Collider about the movie, his career, and comedy in general. The story centers around Ezra (Jonah Hill), a guy who meets, falls in love, and wants to marry a Black girl who is Murphy’s character’s daughter—and what happens when the families meet. In the laid-back interview, Murphy and Collider’s own Steve Weintraub talked about the comedy legend Rodney Dangerfield, which ended up seeing the conversation head in a whole new direction. The comedian and Beverly Hills Cop star decided to tell a Rodney Dangerfield story from when he was a teenager and was just getting started as a stand-up comedian. He also revealed how their first encounter became a joke whose punchline only came years later: “So I met Rodney Dangerfield. I’m 16, 17 years old, and I’m getting ready to go up on stage, and Rodney comes, and he bumps me, and he goes, ’Hey, you can’t go up. Rodney&#
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