MUFON CASE : 114430 Taneytown, Maryland ( March 27, 2021 )

Mutual UFO Network : MUFON SUBMISSIONS : UFO Hovering Long Description of Sighting Report UFO in the sky floating/hovering. Can be seen moving in the opposite direction clouds are moving. Looked like a disc with a domed structure on top. Date Submitted : 2021-03-27 Date of Event : 2021-03-27 6:17PM MUFON SUBMITTER FILE : VIDEO 2 : CASE : 114359 Euless, Texas Long Description of Sighting Report Came from Mexico that evening went to go to the when I walked outside I didn’t see anything till I backed out the drive way and started to drive then I saw those orb like lights next to the moon they flew over the towards the and disappeared. Date Submitted : 2021-03-24 Date of Event : 2017-01-02 7:23PM MUFON SUBMITTER FILE : VIDEO 3 : CASE : 114360 Thornton, California Cigar shaped long cylinder that was lightly aluminated Long Description of Sighting Report Never seen anything like this Sorry about the langu
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