Everything new in Krita

All the notable changes in latest release of krita, free and open-source painting application. 00:00 - Introduction 00:29 - Fill tool 01:22 - “Enclose and fill“ tool 02:12 - HSV sliders 02:31 - Eraser options 02:47 - Precise sliders 03:07 - Multilayer operations 03:30 - Layer stack improvements 03:50 - Miscellaneous stuff 04:21 - Not all heroes wear capes Download latest krita: Krita beta2: Used assets: David Revoy “Pepper & Carrot“ lineart: Karolina Kołodziejczak “pączek“: Download my main brushpack (it won’t teach you to draw): Small brushpack showcasing krita 5 specific features: Official krita resource page:
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