Stratigraphic control of carbonate platform evolution during the cretaceous opening of Neo-Tethys in Syria
Dr. Hussam Ghanem — PostDoc researcher at the University of Bremen in the field of carbonate sedimentology and basin analyses, He is concentrating on new interpreting of the Germanic Basin during the Middle Triassic Anisian in another point of view based on a wide spectrum of proxy-parameters for reconstructing past environmental parameters the Muddstone formation (Muschelkalk).
Besides the work as a lecturer, he gives several courses in Sedimentology, Stratigraphy, and Lab-geology as well as online courses in Petroleum Geology.
Husam is the head of the geology department working as Tele-senior development and exploration geoscientist for Gulfsands (London), doing different geological studies (petroleum system, development, and exploration, geophysical interpretation of siliciclastic of Carboniferous formation). his studies areas extended from NE Syria, W-Iraq, Jordan, Tanzania, Colombia, Senegal, Oman, and South Texas (USA).
He has great experience in building geological/Static models of different environm
4 years ago 01:18:34 40
Stratigraphic control of carbonate platform evolution during the cretaceous opening of Neo-Tethys in Syria