U.S. general, French president open new SHAPE headquarters (1951)

GAUMONT BRITISH NEWSREEL (REUTERS) To license this film, visit Dwight D. Eisenhower (United States general) and Vincent Auriol (French president) declare the headquarters of? Full Description: FRANCE: Louveciennes: EXT AURIOL VINCENT PRESIDENT Hands over new H.Q. of . at Louveciennes near Paris to Eisenhower.. Guard of Honour.. salute before flag Ike speaks EISENHOWER GENERAL DWIGHT.. President Auriol of France hands over the H.Q. of . at Louveciennes near Paris to Gen Eisenhower.. speaks salute before countries flags.. French Guard of Honour FRANCE.. President Auriol hands over new H.Q. of . to Gen Eisenhower.. French Guard of Honour, Salute before flags Ike speaks FRENCH MILITARY. Shots French Ceremonial Guard of Honour at opening of new H.Q. for . near Paris GUARDS OF HONOUR. Shots of French Ceremonial Guard of Honour at opening of new H.
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