Training The Young Idea No. 2 (1929)

No title. Various shots of young men practising cricket shots in nets. “Budding Duckworths, testing their eyes and hands.“ A young boy (about 12 years old?) practices being a wicket keeper while older boys watch. “Catches of the to watch two cricket balls at a time quickens the sight.“ The boys do a training exercise, standing in a circle throwing cricket balls to each other. C/U of man catching and throwing balls in quick succession. “And try this dodge for training the young idea in quickness of eye and hand.“ It is hard to tell exactly what this exercise is. The boys throw balls to each other bouncing them on a device in the middle of the pitch. “In slow motion, you’ll see that sometimes they sometimes they don’t!...connect.“ Slow motion footage of boy close to the camera making a catch. He bounces it off the wooden device and another boy catches it. The next throw is not caught. According to paper records, was an item in Pathe Pictorial issue number 582.
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