Mine One True Love | Full 8-Dwarf Crew | Dwarven Mining Song Lyrics | LOTR: Return to Moria

A full 8-dwarf crew octet singing Mine One True Love, a dwarven mining song from Lord of the Rings: Return to Moria. Lyrics: Farewell, farewell, mine one true love. Farewell, farewell, said she. For though my heart stays tied to shore, I now must cross the sea. For if I stay, my one true love. For if I stay, said she. Each hour I spend in your arms, More faded will I be. And if I should fade, my one true love. If I should fade, said she. Could you forgive what I’ve become, When nothing’s left of me? Take with you this, my one true love. Take with you this, said she. One pearl as pure as northern light, To prove my love to thee. This gifted pearl from my true love. This gifted pearl from she. Shall keep me bound till my demise, Though she’ll be sailing free. Farewell, farewell, my one true love. Farewell, farewell, said she. For though my heart stays tied to shore, I now must cross the sea. All Dwarven Songs: All Mining Songs: All Drinking Songs: All Veneration/Durin Songs: #ReturnToMoria #MiningShanties #Dwarves Return to Moria Music Return to Moria Singing Return to Moria Soundtrack
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