Grim Hellhound & Skoel - Digital Computer [Premiere]

All rights belong to T3K - BUY Obsession EP : All money made from this release will be donated to the Friends of the Earth Germany (BUND) to protect the environment. Bandcamp/Beatport/Spotify: 09th of February 2023 Worldwide Release: 23rd of February 2023 The rare and mysterious Chaco eagle of South America is on the brink of extinction - less than 1000 are believed to still live in the wild and they’ve likely already been wiped out in Uruguay. These giant birds of prey are shy, enigmatic creatures and even now relatively little is known about them. Populations have been on the decline for years because of forest loss and clashes with human activity. They’re often found electrocuted by pylons or drowned in water tanks, and face direct persecution due to claims that they attack livestock (spoiler alert: they don’t). Many end up shot or poisoned. For such a small population, even a handful of deaths a year can be devastating for the species’ survival. But on th
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