Kingdoms Forlorn “Live Demo“ & One Good Turn with Into the Unknown

Join me and Marcin (Into the Unknown) in a live demo of Kingdoms Forlorn. An epic and massive board game which offers an immersive co-op and solo experience for 1-4 players currently live on Kickstarter. We do a convention-style overview using TTS/Tabletopia along with a formulated sample turn to show you how the game works in motion. Or goal is to demonstrate the game mechanisms to help you decide if its right for you or not. Kingdoms Forlorn is a soloperative dungeon delver for 1-4 players with a focus on loot. Kingdoms Forlorn focus on personal stories and short delves into the titular kingdoms. Into the Unknown will build upon their coop system given advantages to the next player in to turn order bringing a greater sense of working together. You will explore forgotten kingdoms, fight battles with giant monsters or bands of minions, loot, craft, duel and, possibly, earn renown and fulfill your Heart’s Desire! Kingdoms Forlorn will explore forgotten medieval kingdoms rediscovered, knights, noble and
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