MLP:FiM [PMV] - Seasons of Love

First of all, let me start off with Happy last day of 2011 everybody! Or New Year for some of you, timezones are confusing. This is the equivalent of my New Years video. I thought it was appropriate has probably been the best year of my life. Did sad things happen? Yeah they do every year but this year way more good outweighed the bad. I guesstimated that what has been aired so far is about a year full of friendship for the Mane 6 ( Spike!) I tried to show all the good that comes with a full year of friendship as well as some of the bad. I tried to evoke my own feelings of friendship because, tbh, it’s been one hell of a good year. It was the end of my senior year of high school. This year my high school friends really came together, we became closer than ever before. It didn’t click till probably senior year but that’s alright, I’m sure we’re going to be close for a really long time. It was my first semester of college. To be honest,
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