MALEFACTOR - Behold The Evil

MALEFACTOR - Behold The Evil (From The SIXTH LEGION“ álbum) Edited by Yury Duplat @visceralwork @yuryduplat Filmed by @vladimirsenna, @jafet_amoedo , @danilocoimbra76 and @tutycavalcante during August’ 2022 Malefactor are: Lord Vlad - Bass and Vochaos Danilo Coimbra - Guitar Jafet Amoêdo - Guitar Daniel Falcão - Drums Based on H.P. Lovecraft’s World BEHOLD THE EVIL Paralyzed in front of a greenish being I feel the smeel of death, I hear the pain I do not know anything, just feeling my soul Slowly freezing, fading away In the shadows of the night, they are moving and saying: “” Iridescent black slime – Over the way I chose Protoplasmic kind Beholder – behold this evil being The shoggoths – the elder things command Behold them A terrible arcade underneath the eyes Crawling slowly – Monstrously Hypnotic behavior – just smelling my blood Slowly freezing, fading away In the shadows of the night, they are moving and saying: “” Iridescent black slime – Over the way I chose Protoplasmic kind Beholder – behold this evil being The shoggoths – the elder things command Behold them
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