I quite like to mess about with systems called “Cellular Automata“, so I wanted to share a Rust library I have been working on to simulate the Lenia system. And on the way, I also describe the steps it took to get to Lenia, as well as how the Conway’s Game of Life, SmoothLife and Lenia cellular automata work in a quick way.
I, unfortunately have misled you in the video just a tiny bit... Namely, Already the SmoothLife system of cellular automata technically introduced the “integration step“... indeed, it would be impossible to simulate some of the shown SmoothLife systems without the integration step part. Some would perhaps even say that SmoothLife is more powerful and more general and a more faithful generalization of Conway’s Game of Life than Lenia. And, well, if we allow for all of the experimentation and little upgrades that people have made over time to SmoothLife, then it ends up not being dissimilar from Lenia in general indeed.
This will most likely not be
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