Wind of East - My Garden | Ветер Востока - Мой сад

“My Garden“ - the song that was inspired by the famous film directed by Andrei Tarkovsky “Solaris“. The theme that the director outlined in his work is eternal for all generations - returning home, repentance. For each of us there comes a moment when we look back - to where it all began for us. Lyrics and music - Andrey Kosygin Vocal part - Vladimir Kosygin. The Wind of East - music band from Palana. One of the main team of the Koryak Folf Art Center. The “Continue“ Show - concert in Palana, north Kamchatka, in May 2019. Our big appreciations to Dmitriy Petrovets, TV team of Palana and Rudolf Solomin for the technical support. _____________________________________ “Мой сад“ - песня, которая была вдохновлена знаменитым фильмом режиссёра Андрея Тарковского “Солярис“. Тема, которую обозначил режиссёр в своём произведении, вечна для всех поколений - возвращение домой, покаяние. Для каждого из нас наступает мом
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