Every Time Discussion Cheese With A Cat // 毎回議論チーズ猫と一緒に

If you feel the title doesn’t make any sense or it is not in English nor Japanese, you might be unto something but if you truly ponder about it after watching this video it makes complete sense as to why I titled it like this. Yes I might be ESL CNN FBI CIA Epst ein but it is oke we are who we are and in the end all that matters is that cheese is only discussed with rats and not cats. Every TIME = every clock or watch you’ve ever had bruh THINK! DISCUSSION = means vegan CHEESE = means not vegan With a Cat = means u got not partner sorry partner truly a hidden message for our generation true and real on ga on ga fr fr sheesh I made this using After effects, Blender, Vroid, and Stable Diffusion, feel free to not care about this: mynamejeff I did use panty and stocking to get the design of the girl and I have yet to watch that anime, I have heard only hor n y things about that anime and since I am prude and holy man I will refrain myself from watching it y
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