Alexander Alar & The Organism (UA) b2b DJ Live Set FASHION FANTASY CEKTA BALISTICA R_sound video

Location: “P. P. Smirnov’s Mansion“, Moscow Russia You can support live mixes, donate here: Listen to live dj set: Video broadcast: R_sound Genre: Electronic Style: house, melodic house, deep, Indie dance R_sound music video. Organizer: CEKTA Events & music label Organizer: BALIstica Events FASHION FANTASY in the historical mansion of the XIX century “House of Smirnov“ Artist: The Organism (UA) Where there is a solid and strong spiritual strength and vivid interest behind the artist’s mind to bring originality to music, uniqueness manifests itself as a result. Ukrainian performer The Organism is a prime example of that very thing: a multi-genre, always unpredictable producer with his signature style that combines the best hypnotic bass vibrations, exciting
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