Kontakt TV: May 21, 2011 (#1938, Part 4) - Marko R. Stech, Eye on Culture #9, Penteleimon Kulish
Welcome to the KONTAKT Ukrainian Television Network. Produced by Jurij Klufas and hosted by Justine Lewkowicz, the program is based in Toronto, Canada and is televised in several cities in North America and Ukraine. It is a weekly one-hour show that covers news, culture, politics and other topics relevant to the Ukrainian community. It is broadcast in a combination of two languages, English and Ukrainian. Марко Роберт Стех «Очима Культури» №9. Тема: Пантелеймон Куліш. Marko Robert Stech Eye on Culture #9 on
2 weeks ago 00:23:58 3
РЕДЬКО. Вот это поворот! Новый министр здравоохранения назначенный Трампом не стал молчать
2 weeks ago 00:20:58 1
Putin legt im neusten Interview alle Fakten auf den Tisch zu allen aktuellen Themen
1 month ago 00:09:43 1
Jetzt wird dem Kiewer Regime der Saft mal so richtig abgedreht
1 month ago 00:37:39 2
КАТАСОНОВ. Такого о Трампе не расскажут ни на одном канале