After The Movies - Hindsight 20/20 ft. Michael of Lorelei

Текст с Bandcamp’а: “Ft. Michael Rumple of Lorelei I can’t wash away this guilt that haunts me in my sleep; it brings back bittersweet memories. I can’t live like this- I can’t live like this with your ghost inside my dream. The fires begin to burn our memories; while everything is turning into ash, I see the light... Regret that remains within has carved pain into my chest. I can’t live like this- I can’t live like this with your blood staining my hands. Will you wash away the hell deep inside of me? ~The house that holds our past has become so hollow and covered in ash. Now, as the flames begin to rise, I feel closer... Closer to you...~ I’m sorry for the crime I’ve committed. Please wash away the regret and the memories; give me one more chance. I miss you~ I wish that I could reset the time and erase the sin I’ve done and tell you that I love you... that I love you... -There is no turning back -- Suffocation- Asphyxiation- released April 10, 2013 Recorded, Mixed and Mastered by Jamie King. All Rights Reserved 2013 After the Movies“
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