
祖辈留下来的排骨储存方法中,除了做腊排骨,骨头鮓,还有一种猪肝鮓。同样的调料,光有排骨就叫“骨头鮓”,是我们施甸的特色腌辣,如果加上猪肚和肥肠,就成了大理的“猪肝鮓”, 这道菜全程没有用到猪肝,但是祖辈们都叫它猪肝鮓,口味和吃法都类似,可蒸,可炒,可烩……当成一种特色调味料~每年杀年猪都会做一些储存。 ※Click “cc“ on the lower right menu to choose your subtitle language. Among the traditional ways to preserve ribs, besides preserved ribs and preserved bones, there is also one recipe called preserved pig liver. With the same spices, if we use only ribs, it will be called “preserved bones“, which is a Shidian specialty. But if we use pig tripe and large intestines, it will be called “preserved pig liver“ of Dali. Though it has no pig liver inside, our ancestors have been calling it preserved pig liver from the very beginning. Both of them have the same cooking methods and can be steamed, stir-fried and stewed. It is used as a special seasoning ingredient. We usually make some when killing the annual pig each year. 大家好!我是滇西小哥,一个地道的云南妹
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