A Peep At The Puppets (1924)

The Vaudeville Theatre Revue, London. Stanley Lupino and Binnie Hale in “A Musical Interlude“. Conductor is seen in the orchestra pit. Binnie Hale emerges on stage and accidentally pulls two curtains down and falls over. She takes an excessive amount of bows then approaches the piano. The pianist - Stanley Lupino - twists his stool to raise it and it ends up about 5 feet high. He twists it round to lower it but then it is too low. Binnie starts to sing. Stanley brings a box to sit on. More bowing. The conductor is visible in the pit. C/U of Binnie as she sings. There is a problem with the piano. More comedy business. Stanley stands on Binnie’s dress and a large part is ripped off revealing her bloomers. A hat is discovered inside the piano. Stanley leans on the piano and it collapses. They sit on the sofa and that collapses too. All good slapstick stuff. Pretty funny. There are good C/Us of both Binnie and Stanley. Was an item in Eve’s Film Review issue number 139. Note: “Pup
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