2 minutes ago! Turkey is in mourning! The snowstorm in Bitlis was the worst in 100 years!

Heavy snowfall has caused chaos in the city of Bitlis, Turkey, as residents struggle to cope with the severe weather conditions. The snow has been falling continuously for the past 24 hours, with some areas experiencing up to 50cm of snowfall. The city’s roads have become treacherous, with many vehicles becoming stranded or unable to move due to the thick snow. Local authorities have issued warnings to residents, advising them to stay indoors unless absolutely necessary and to avoid driving unless it is an emergency. Schools and businesses have also been forced to close, with many people unable to leave their homes due to the heavy snow. The local government has deployed snowplows and salt trucks to clear the roads, but the sheer volume of snow has made the task difficult. The extreme weather conditions have also caused power outages in some areas, with residents experiencing intermittent electricity supply. Local authorities are working to restore power as quickly as possible, but th
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