UFO over Las Vegas. 5/28/2023

Witness description: “My wife and I were driving east on galleria road from Henderson towards lake Las Vegas area. We wanted to get a nice view over the city at night before having to head home and retire for the evening. I saw an area that looked nice and then saw this light, a bright giant object in the sky and she said what is that? And I said what that bright light she said yes. So we stopped and looked at it and I turned on my video camera on my phone. It was a giant pyramid shaped UFO hovering over the center of the Las Vegas strip area. It could have been closer to us on the east side or on the west side, as we couldn’t tell exactly where it lined up according to the strip but from our view south towards north it was almost in the dead center. This UFO hovered and that’s how we knew it was not anything that was a fixed and stationary, this is Las Vegas and we do have a lot of neon lights and attractions. But there is nothing this large that hovers over the city. We could tell it was not a fixed or stationary because the hovering movement seem to float not sitting still perfectly. As it started to leave, it didn’t really leave, it shrunk in size down to the size of what I would call a basketball, glowing red at that point and then disappeared completely.“ Source: mufon Filmed in Las Vegas, Nevada 5/28/2023 Many thanks to the author of the original video. You can share the link to this video on social media. The Best UFO sightings filmed by me: More UFO videos: Recommended video: Incredible UFO over Cuba. Other playlists: UFO, OVNIs, UFO 2023, OVNI, UFOs, НЛО, Flying saucer, OVNI 2023
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