Escape the Matrix | David Icke Podcast

David Icke exposes the illusion of controlled perception and reveals the real-life Matrix simulation that’s enslaving humanity in episode 80 of the Far Out with Faust podcast. Legendary conspiracy realist and heavily-censored truth seeker David Icke delves into his compelling explanation of the enslavement simulation we’re all living in — including exactly who’s in charge. Tune in to hear about his early days, as Icke shares how he was transformed from a UK footballer and BBC sports commentator into a crusader for spiritual freedom and existential knowledge. Three things the oppressors don’t want you to know: Where the world is being taken and who’s taking us there, and Why? What is real? We dive into the levels of consciousness and perception, as David explains how we are limited by what our 5 senses can perceive, and by the minuscule band of visible light that makes up an iota of a fraction of reality in the universe. Don’t miss the detour into exactly what the r
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