Charlotte x Meier “I was Born to Love You“

Please tell me no one has done this one yet Warning: spoilers ahead One of my quickest AMV projects ever, 4 days of on an off editing in-between work and school, and I’m so proud of how it came out! Thanks to both Schnikeman for putting up with my excited rambling that happened before, during, and after this video was being edited and to a Giant Space Tuna for being my aesthetics adviser. PS please ignore the fact that this is 100% intended to be an outline to a future cosplay video and convention skit, I’ll be very sad if someone copies this idea I’ve had for about a year now and steals my thunder. Please enjoy! Song: Finale from Dracula the Musical Video: Vampire Hunter D; Bloodlust Program used: Corel Video Studio X9 Edit: 1000 views!! Ohmygod, I can’t believe it! Thank you all so much!! Edit: 2000 views!!!!! I’m honestly surprised its made it this far xD Edit: 3k!!!!
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